The Communication Theory Reader

The communication Theory Reader::Cobley, P. (1996). The communication theory reader. London: Routledge.



Each opposite Adverse enshrined in the other side. For example, Micro enshrined in the Macro, and vice versa. and how language is the central institution of any society. The implication is that human thought is programmed by a pre-determined set of coordinates: a language. @Geimas considering myth and narrative, in a fashion which, from a distance at least, seems akin to that of Lévi-Strauss, game priority to structural relations between narrative entities rather than to their intrinsic qualities. Each character play a specific role of ‘hero’ or ‘villain.’ Small number of functions’ or story action(Propp 1968).

J.L. Austin p255~262

Separation is largely a rhetorical device. All statement, rather than ‘communicating’, do something, even those that appear to be constative in their orientation.

It is not only for the statement, but also by objects. The communication between the human and object ‘do’ something each other. However the performative communication is not active but ‘show’, rather than ‘vocalising’ but ‘configuring (see [[Frame]]’s #Configuration).

#Searle argues that ‘meaning’ consists of an attempt by one speaker to have an effects on another speaker in an arena of communication bound by certain rules.  “Promise” – which evidences the combination that he has posited as constitutive of the illocutionary act.

The meaning of the [[A4]]  paper consists of an attempt by ISO 216 effects on the user in an consumption by certain rules. Consumers forced to use A4 size by the limitation of the selections. > 말을 함으로서 관계가 성립된다. 그 관계는 Speaking과 listening으로 구성되며 이를 이미지 communication으로 번역할 경우 making 과 seeing으로 바꿔 말할 수 있다고 생각된다. Searle said this is the ‘partnership’ rather than an exclusive executive role. It is not socially constituted by the illocutionary act but participate in the constitution of the act as an illocution. Ultimately, the act is not socially constituted by the action, but the participation of the act is #Communication. The relationship between the performer and viewer continuously changing in a course of the communication. > ‘Startement’

Common sense definition of #Communication is the content of on mind are transmitted to another.
1. Performatives/Constatives

1. illocutionary/locutionary

1. Constitutive

2. Regulative.

2. Do i.e. Ordering, Promising, Apologising, Warning, **Sentencing**, Christening and Marrying

3. Promising , the intention of the speaker is performative, in same time, do not make the promise ‘true’ or ‘false’.

4. Performative is not just the result of an operation by human being but, sin a sense, exists on its own terms.

Paul Cobley

How – Created, transmitted constituted, receivedWhy – is this the case, is it because of factors outside the message? or inside the meaning?

Flow of information ( Mcquail and Windahl, 1993)

1. Senders

2. Receivers

3. Something in between