Degree show Plans

1. SYMBOL – Causality – Moving Image

ver 1.

ver 2.

ver 3.

ver 4. test

2. INDEX – rules & laws – Frame

Conceived for Fabergé’s Easter storefront display, the 360-degree mapped 3D installation is based on the company’s pendent designs – which are 1/100th of the size of the 1.5m model – and incorporates an interactive touchscreen element to showcase the detail of the jewellery.

3. ICON – resemblance – Bubble

Oil Spill – OEFNER

Bubble Colour


4. Physics


The physic of the bubble collapsing 
Thin-film interference – Wikipedia
3D Alcubierre warp bubble collapse – YouTube
Shocking Bubbles – YouTube
Mach 3 Bubble Shockwaves – YouTube
대한민국 1등 과학브랜드, 동아사이언스
Surface Evolver Examples

5. Plateau’s laws


Material motion – Motion – Material Design

Bruce Nauman | 4Columns

Tutorial Video on 3D

Tip 114 – How to create soap bubbles in Cinema 4D Release 18 – YouTube
How to make a cool bubble in Cinema 4D | Tutorial – YouTube
CGI 3D Tutorials : How to Create Soap Bubbles in Cinema 4D – YouTube
Shock-Induced Bubble Implosion (Six Bubbles) – YouTube
Dytran – Bubble Collapse Simulation – YouTube