About this Project

This Is an Ongoing Diary Film Project From Jan 2022 as Part of My PhD Research. It Collects the Diary of Making, Reflection, and Video Collection, and as a Whole, Generates an Assemblage of Topographical Forces in Moving Images Concerning Jelly-Like Assemblage of Moving Image Practice.

This project is part of the development of my methodology, the Diaristic Project, exploring the concept of atmosphere. For further details of the journey, see my article Atmospheric Diary: Exploration of Diaristic Practice in Experimental Moving Image.

If my Every Eighty Seconds focuses on the distributional aspect of the experimental film, this website exposes the research-based ideas and examinations behind the development of the concept of atmosphere in relation to the Diaristic Practice.

About the Artist

Il Sun Moon’s practice-based project aims to answer new questions related to the artist’s work environment and position in post-production as well as the relationship between the tool and the performative editing experience in experimental moving image practice.

Based on the diagram methodology, she aims to create a new map of the journey, hoping that these potential relationships will not be limited to the screen space but will expand to the physical space that has yet to be formed.

You can find more details on my website.